Monday, October 25, 2010


srly i have ate that, and its pretty cool, also a colorful way to gain weight

its so rainbow~

burnt muffin is burnt :P

hahaha sad icing on a rainbow cake?
taste better than it looks seriously, it was fun to make it, and my friend is goin to make more on christmas so its going to be a colorful christmas lol .

but... this is a PLAMO blog so... here is some plamo
Police?, i have a mean unicorn with a shield and a beam Rifle in my lawn
... police? hello? hey ah damn

1 comment:

  1. Rainbows and unicorns!!!? it reminds me of a song! ( ).

    And for X-mas I'm going to buy that model and them I'm going to bake rainbow cake with my unicorn model with apron while i hear "Always" ...all. day. long
